The T Fund is an annual giving program that demonstrates the extended Titan Family’s generous heart. It is a bridge between Titan experiences of the past and those of current PLSHS staff and students. Whether you are an alum, a parent, or a friend of the school, your gift, no matter the size, provides essential funding that touches every area of student life.
Why is the T Fund important?
Gifts to the T Fund support new or unexpected areas of need that cannot be addressed with existing funds. T Fund gifts are meant to be spent in the year given, meaning they make an immediate impact. They enable Titan administrators to respond with speed and agility as needs arise. It helps make PLSHS a place where all students thrive, no matter their interests or family financial status.
Who should give to the T Fund?
Alumni and friends of all ages and locations are encouraged to support the T Fund. You don’t have to wait until you have reached the pinnacle of your career to make a difference. Once a Titan, always a Titan!
Donors of $100 or more to the T Fund will receive a specially designed Challenge Coin as a keepsake. The Coin features our school colors and logo, and the year of your gift. Challenge Coins have been a military tradition for decades. This custom Challenge Coin is not only a gift of thanks for you, but it also recognizes the strong military history within our Papillion La Vista communities.

Are you looking to donate appreciated stock or a portion of your IRA Required Minimum Distribution? Either may offer you tax benefits AND help PLCS students. Contact Lee Denker to discuss options today at (402) 829-1343 or